This statement is unscientific. How do you know that 2,000 hairy gorillas acting in the above manner would be enough to put wind up my willows? I have had an anti-wind device installed over and above my willows for the last 3 months and it has provided an adequate shield for all that has been sent against it by the gorillas here. I am confident this shield would continue to do its job no matter how many gorillas hold, suck and pick.
This statement is unscientific. How do you know that 2,000 hairy gorillas acting in the above manner would be enough to put wind up my willows? I have had an anti-wind device installed over and above my willows for the last 3 months and it has provided an adequate shield for all that has been sent against it by the gorillas here. I am confident this shield would continue to do its job no matter how many gorillas hold, suck and pick.