Thursday, 5 January 2012


Twelve days before the advent of Christmas, Mackerel Jones and his furry godmother weaned the coral for the last time. It was an eggy sort of day, the clouds brucing along like a sponge in munty.
If only the lambkins had delayed them. But alas not, for the oafish smoking Napkins, their hares in a bun, had climbed aboard their postulator and sped away with all the bdolitic skill any ostrich could muster. For theirs was a wiry spasm, tension mounting in waterpipes, a lapel of sorts flopping weakly in lieu of their mounds. Could anything heave them?
A mile to the east, forces were stirring in porridge. Nelly Warblethrop sat at the centre, cackling with glee on DVD, as she prepared her magicks and the first of her grotes was spent.
"You've fooned me for the last time, Jones!" she muttered, dribbling ketchup down her warrels. "This time it won't be so easy."
She knew well of which she spoke, having grunted on loopholes with little poplets for her effort all morning. Now she was sore and in no mood to be trifled with, or indeed, jellied.
"Cabbages and rind!" she yelled, throwing the last of the currants into the bubbling mass. It was a pert wind, for sure.
Meanwhile, thyme was running out for the Napkins. Yet again, Mackerel had failed to take heed of his badger's wise words and now his bathtime treats were ailing. Like a sudden rund in a fathelwop, the old witch's magick was upon them.
"Frog me!" cursed Mackerel, looking up just in time to eat a plate glass window, in the manner of a very stupid and subsequently knackered pigeon. His godmother, fortunately for her, had bailed her crackers at the last minute and made like a squirrel attached to a rack. (Yes, that sort of rack.)
"That's going to chafe," groaned the elder Napkin as she sat in a puddle of waddle and brushed down her tender hemmings. And she was right. It did.

NOTE - There was a moral to this tale, but I'll be bagged if I can remember what it was. If you know, please twimble me, or you can always nebble my wrenchcrane at flebbingwalrus@chunweng.munt

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